Medal of Honor Values for Your Life

Find ways to celebrate the Medal of Honor by incorporating the Congressional Medal of Honor Society’s (CMOHS) values in your everyday life. CMOHS consists of all living recipients of the Medal of Honor - it is an exclusive group, but a diverse one. Men of all races, social classes and economic levels are part of the CMOHS and work together to perpetuate the legacy of the Medal of Honor. Here are some ways you can leverage their morals:

Courage. Medal of Honor recipients have displayed indomitable courage through their actions of valor. Not everyone has the opportunity to display such extreme levels of courage, but there are ways to be courageous in your own life. Maybe it’s following a dream to go back to school, do something daring or go somewhere new. Putting yourself outside your comfort zone and trying something different is a great way to incorporate acts of courage in your life.

Sacrifice. All members of the military have made sacrifices to serve their country. They have sacrificed many things: time with family, good health and some have even made the ultimate sacrifice. Think of ways you can make small sacrifices everyday to put others before yourself.

Patriotism. Promoting a love of country and defending freedoms. Medal of Honor recipients are our nation’s greatest patriots and have gone through unthinkable circumstances for their country. As a citizen, achieving that level of patriotism is not always easy. Instead, focus on small ways to show your love for the country and find something to fit your daily routine.

Citizenship. The Medal of Honor embraces the belief that Americans have a commitment to change the course of our nation’s history and challenge faith. As Americans, there are many ways to practice citizenship such as respecting the beliefs of others, voting, being informed and even defending the country. Some duties we have as citizens are large, but there are little things we can do on a daily basis to practice this value, for example, reading the newspaper or becoming an informed voter. There are many ways to live out your duties as a citizen, big or small.

Integrity. A true hero is honest and has the moral principles to do the right thing. Integrity can be practiced in many ways and can be seen through Medal of Honor recipients of all ages. Find ways to be sincere and display good character – a little bit goes a long way.

Commitment. A representation of the men and women who are committed serve their country through sacrifice and selflessness. What things are you committed to in your life? Maybe it’s a commitment to volunteer with a local charity or help an aging relative. Whatever it is, find something you love and do something valuable with it.